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Monday 7 November 2011

Take a risk and read this, will ya? You may enjoy it - Day 6

16. Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life. (Kalamazoo College/93)
             Considerably one of the biggest risks I’ve taken is coming out to Woodstock. As a graduating 9th grader, my two options for continuing high school were King’s Academy, Jordan, and Woodstock School, India. King’s had offered me a great education for the next three years ahead of me. The reason I’m so certain about this statement is because I know people that study there. But for Woodstock, it was a brand new start. My decision was simply to be based of my dad’s opinion on Woodstock, and what I have found out from the representative that visited our school.
 By far, I knew that King’s was a better school, with better teachers and a better campus, but it all came with a price. With a younger brother to follow on after me with his education, I made the decision to take the burden off my parents. I choose Woodstock because it was a lot more convenient financially. Although my dad said “Choose the school you’d like to go to”, and even with my friends, Kevin and Rania nagging me to join them on this adventure, I chose Woodstock. I admit it was a big risk, and I was afraid I may have intention of turning back, but there are countless number positives that go along. Living in conditions that seem to be exactly the opposite of the Middle East makes me miss home a lot more, but just gives me an opportunity for change. If it wasn’t for Woodstock, I wouldn’t have met all the amazing friends that I have currently. I know one can argue that I would have said the same if were at King’s instead, but now that I’m in this situation, I know for a fact that I am not changing. It is interesting how attached one can get to a place, and I say this from the perspective of someone who has lived in three different countries in the past 4 years itself.
Risks are something that must be taken in life. As Zachary Scott once stated, “As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.” I approve with the idea of this quote. I realize that even though I took a big risk in life, it ended up being for the best. Sure, I would’ve had fun in King’s, but when it comes down to thinking about everything I would have missed out on; the friends, the teachers (especially Mr. Plonka), and everything down to the tiniest bit, it makes me appreciate that my decision worked out the way I planned. Even though there may be disappointments in life, especially in college, as you’re not going to achieve everything you try for,  the key is to keep trying until you can succeed and do what you enjoy doing with all your heart.

(By the way, i spent 26 minutes on this post. I actually really enjoyed writing about this topic as most of my ideas had a continuous flow, so not that many pauses in the middle.)

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