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Saturday 12 November 2011

The perfect day? - Day 11

46. If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

                In my opinion, the perfect day that I could wish for, if had the chance to do so, would be spending the day back home. I would have the day begin with a heavy breakfast, most probably including bacon and pancakes and along with some hot maple syrup. With a really long day ahead, I would start right into it. From hanging out with my aforementioned (from couple posts ago) classmates, to simply spending time with my parents, I would make the most of this day. Unlike my past vacations when I wasn’t able to meet all my friends, this day would be exceptionally different. Simply hanging out and spending time with Kevin are Kareem, the other two guys in my class, would be one of the many positives of the day.
                Continuing on to my day after spending the after with my friends, I use the first part of the evening doing something as simple as watching a movie with my parents and brother. After my time at Woodstock, I have come to realize how much I actually miss my family. Skyping with them on the weekend isn’t nearly the same as being back in Saudi Arabia, the place I consider home. The day couldn’t have been any better if dinner at T.G.I. Friday wasn’t on the list. As my parents’ favorite location for dinner, I’d definitely choose to go there if had to option to do so, even if it meant driving 45 minutes to get there - that’s actually how far it is from our house - . As we returned home, I would definitely decide on having a chat with a couple of my friends as I’m certain it would feel odd not talking to them on a daily basis.
                With the end of a perfect day comes another regular day. If I were questioned about this fact, I’d consider most of my days at Woodstock to be at least close to perfect. Every day has its ups and down, and not every day can be perfect, but during my stay at Woodstock, I have learnt to appreciate all the positives, no matter how small they may be; as I write this post on a Saturday evening, one can tell how much I appreciate enjoy this assignment. 

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