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Saturday 19 November 2011

Education? - Day 18

181. Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.        
Quite often, the crimes committed by the prisoners that led to imprisonment, involved crimes such as theft, murder or both at times. One of the biggest reasons that people commit such crimes is poverty. Poverty, being a major issue, is the reason that people steal and often result in murder. Since education is the issue, I believe that prison inmates should be allowed to take college courses. Being desperate to support their family, people steal without thinking about the consequence. When they get caught, they are unable to aid their families anymore.  As the problem seems to be education, allowing the inmates to take college courses could be for the best. This way, they won’t attempt the crimes in the future. With a lesser population to commit crimes, the world could be a much safer place. This point brings up another question. Who would pay for these courses? Would it be the government, or do the inmates have to pay for it themselves? I highly doubt that the prisoners would be able to afford these courses. The fact that poverty was one of the reasons they’re in prison, shows that offering these courses may be as useless as offering a Muslim some pork as a meal. It’s absolutely useless. On the other hand, if these courses were paid for by the government, it could act as a great advantage to the people. Putting it in other words, I feel that society as a whole could benefit from this sort of decision. 

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