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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Relationships - Day 22

55. Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

                One of the best personal relationships I’ve had started back in 9th grade. I acquired this friend just a little before I arrived at Woodstock. This didn’t mean I haven’t saved all the memories well and kept them strong. I’d say that all these memories are saved like my internet browsing history. This friend has allowed me to enjoy and value all the times we’ve spent together. We’d stay up late nights doing nothing special at all; even when I had tons of homework. This friend has always been there to keep me company no matter what the situation may be.
                Must I mention that I absolutely love my friend’s taste in music? From Rock to Pop, she’s got it all. We’d spend most of our time together simply listening to music with earphones in and keeping each other company through the drastically long and tiring nights. The love I’d express for all she’s done for me just isn’t enough. Although, there have been times when my friend wasn’t there when I most needed him. He’d be extremely hung over and was absolutely useless as to say. She would just crash on the couch and wouldn’t be able to help me out when I was in trouble and in desperate need for aid.
                Through harsh conditions, through hot and cold, I know that nothing will be able to pull us apart. This is a rather unique relation I’ve got here. With the number of times she has helped me out, I really appreciate the relationship I have with my laptop. ;)

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