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Wednesday 2 November 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

23. If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why?

       Since a young age, I've enjoyed reading mystery novels. Jeffery Archer, my favorite author, has got me quite interested in the typical suspense novels. My keen interest in this genre has caused me to explore for similar books. If I were to write a book, I’d try to keep it along the lines of the books by well-known authors. This story would not only involve a masked professional thief, but also the eighty-thousand pound diamond ring as the protagonist’s goal. With the thief’s intentions to steal the ring for his fiancé as the engagement ring, he plans the theft wisely as it won’t only be his best, but also his last act before retiring to settle down with his wife. To foil his plans, Richard Kenzie, the greatest detective of London will do whatever it takes to maintain his reputation. Unlike common plot lines where the protagonist is the good guy, and the good guy always wins, this story will differ a bit. Complying with this idea shows the obvious repetition as seen in several books. It’s the typical idea, and I quote Megamind, that “the bad guys don’t save the day, they don’t fly off into the sunset and they don’t get the girl.” The whole point of this book is for it to be different. “Unique” would be a better way to put it. My opinion on novels can greatly differ simply based on their genre, and so I figured why not just choose the genre I enjoy best. This not only helps me get my point of view on mystery novels across, but I’m sure I’d enjoy writing this novel. I can only imagine how deep into this book I would be. With inspiration from my favorite authors, I believe that this novel would be an interesting piece, but that's just my opinion now, isn't it?

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