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Friday 4 November 2011

It's Friday,Friday, gotta get down on.. Shut up! - Day 3

126. How do you feel about Wednesday? (U of Chicago)

                “Just another beautiful Wednesday afternoon,” I said to myself as I write this piece on a bright cloudless afternoon in Mussoorie. Even though it may sound rather unlikely of this sort weather in a hill station like this, I continue to sit outside on the sundeck after arriving immediately after school. I have no hatred against Wednesdays. In fact, I’d stay I enjoy Wednesdays simply because it bring me a day closer to weekends. As going through my weekly cycle of attending school and peacefully resting in dorms, I have learned that my mood on Wednesdays is almost neutral. Not too far off from the excited state of mind that it’s almost the weekend, and just far enough from that “uh! It’s Monday” sort of feeling. This Wednesday afternoon is probably one of the best days that one could expect from Mussoorie’s typical cloudy and dull skies. Generally on Mondays, which are normally the days that don’t go as expected, I tend to look forward to the Wednesdays as Fridays just seem to be too far off. One of the first things that pop in to my mind when I hear Wednesday is my weekly swim practice. There’s nothing I’d enjoy more than swimming, and since a Wednesday like this afternoon would make it perfect for swimming, I definitely don’t see why not? Not many Wednesday’s come by with perfect weather, it would only be smart to use it to its fullest. Also relating Wednesdays to school, they are the perfect day as there are barely any tests on these days. You see, normally, we’d have a test on Monday, since we have the weekend to prepare ourselves, or on Fridays, so we have the week the review. After putting much thought in to this topic, I realized how much more I appreciate Wednesdays. Even with the freezing cold water in Hostel’s pool, the weather on this Wednesday afternoon has encouraged me to swim. Perfect afternoon, isn’t it?

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