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Sunday 20 November 2011

Abortions. - Day 19

180. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

                Having the choice to ban something in the world, I’d choose to ban child abortions. Child abortions being a conflict in several countries and religion, I believe it is immoral. There are several arguments that could go against my beliefs, and I also admit that there are times when abortions may be acceptable. The main reason that I choose to ban this is because aborting a child is murder in a way. The child doesn’t have a chance to see the world, which is very unfair in my opinion. On the contrary, quite often there may be the case where it may be better for the child. For example, if tests have proven that the child would be mentally disabled and will most likely live through a rough and painful life, or if the mother was raped and won’t be able to take care of her child due to financial issues (if she is still really young or other possible reasons). In these cases, there’s always adoption that could play a role to aid the mother. Instead of aborting the child, a better thing to do would be putting it out for adoption. That way the child would have a chance to live, and see the world with its own eyes rather than not making it any further than its mother’s womb (unless it was cloned, a test tube baby, or something along those lines – refer to anonymous’ introduction read by Mr. P in English class). When considered facts that parents’ choose to abandon their child due to reasons like they didn’t use protection, it is completely the parents’ fault that they made a bad decision when they had the chance. Even though people state that women should have control over their body, I still feel this is unfair to the child who doesn’t have a say in this. The child has the right to live just about as much as everyone else. Abortion, being legalized in the U.S and in most of Europe, is a debated issue which is still being argued upon. In the Muslim religion, it is not only considered a sin to terminate a child, but also the use of protection during intercourse. This is a way of showing that nature will perform its duties and we should leave it to the way it is. 

1 comment:

  1. Abortion is a very sensitive topic, so you should be careful writing about it. Because you do not know your audience, maybe you should steer clear; for example, what if your reader is very much pro-choice. He or she may be turned off by your opinion. Ultimately, there's nothing wrong with your opinion, but you have to consider what your audience might think.
