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Tuesday 15 November 2011

The generation gap - Day 14

87. Do you believe there's a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others. (Denison University)

                As I grew up in the current generation, I would always have to bear through my parents’ arguments about how “back in their time they didn’t have this, or that.” As tough as this may sound, it all displayed the gap between our generations. After listening to my dad criticize my negative actions by explaining how we misuse the technology we have. Agreeing upon the fact that using things like the internet, which was not even close to existence back then, is completely different than its actual purpose. I remember my parents grumbling about me, a 10-year old child, playing games on the computer. Back then I felt how they wouldn’t understand what we kids are going through, especially since they haven’t lived life in our shoes. I still feel the same.
                Interestingly enough, this generation gap has provided both sides with positives. Even though I complain about my parents’ generation being absolutely unexciting, the music of my dad’s generation will be one of the best and will definitely go down in history. Starting from legends such as the Beatles, the Rolling stones, to AC/DC, this list goes on and on. This generation gap isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but that might just be my opinion. The current generation wouldn’t have had everything they do if it weren’t for aid from the previous generation. The previous generation has offered tremendous amounts of help regarding facts such as technology. Even though it may seem that the previous generation didn’t have tools such as computers, cell phones, or even the internet, these tools are the reason our generation is able to find information and communicate easily.
                As most things may seem to be changing gradually over time, this generation gap is just the one of many more to come. As technological advancements increase, I’m sure that the next generation will notice a gap, possible a much bigger one. I can only imagine my kids writing a college essay regarding this topic, and while I read it, refer back to the time when I spoke about my generation gap. Then after that, my child will think about the same thing. This cycle will never end. 

1 comment:

    I have taught you well!
