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Thursday 24 November 2011

Science and Religion? - Day 23

22. Tell us about one of the best conversations you’ve had. (Stanford/93)

                A conversation that I find very significant took place with Jonathan. This was back during summer break just after 9th grade ended. Jonathan Bryce, a missionary friend, would always visit our little city of Udhailiyah and all the teens in my community would often hang out with him. Generally, I’m not the religious kind of person and don’t find interest in topic as these, but this day was exceptionally different. It was a typically hot and dry day, as we lived in the middle of the desert. John and I went out to the pool to chill out rather than lazing our butts at home. Getting to the point, this conversation was all about Christianity and how it played a role in science. At first, when he started talking, I sighed as I realized that it was going to be really boring. As he kept talking, the conversation started to pick up. He related science to Christian ideas and immediately, and when I realized how his logic started to make sense, I started relating to other things I’ve learned in science. I got involved in the conversation and learned a lot that day. After this conversation, I realized how religion may actually be a possibility and I started to gain stronger beliefs about it. Before, I would simply say I followed a religion ‘cause my parents wanted me to, but after that conversation and a few incidents in life (refer to previous post about a person changing their ways), I have changed in the religious sense. 

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