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Monday 14 November 2011

Did you know? - The filming of the movie 'Titanic' cost more than the Titanic itself! - Day 13

18. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo)

In my opinion, the television is an unnecessary invention given to us humans. I’m certain that after the first statement, there will be several people that will argue that “How will I watch Glee tonight?” or just for arguments sake, “The television can be a source of education.” Sure, one may watch the National Geographic channel or the History channel as an old fashioned method of learning, but how long can you watching lions hunting or watch those lengthy documentaries about the Second World War. It won’t be long until you realize that today is the day that Justin Beiber makes an appearance on Ellen Degeneres for like, the seventh time, yet you can’t afford to miss such an episode.  You immediately switch channels and your intentions of learning more about history goes down the drain.
The argument is clear; the television is a waste of time. In today’s world, time is very important. Instead of watching a documentary of some sort on the TV, One could simply log on to the World Wide Web and research the same topic, saving them majority of the time that would have been used up watching a documentary. Don’t forget those commercials that continuously remind you that you absolutely need the product they’re selling. As a student in a boarding school, I have come to realize how useless the television really is. I have saved several hours of my life, which would have been different if I were at home, staying off the TV. Back when I was a little child, when TVs didn’t exist, we didn’t have to sit on our butts all day to find out that our local store or the mall nearby (as it would be now days) is having a sale. All the media if doing is brainwashing the people with the television. Life can go on perfectly without the television. Whether it’s watching the news daily, or for educational purposes, it can all be done on the internet these days. The internet also provides entertainment in the form of web stores that allows you to watch or listen to whatever you want to, with a touch of a button.
This has caused me to wonder whether there will ever be a time when children will write essays regarding the internet being the invention that the world would be better off without. Among all possibilities, if this were to happen, I don’t think it would happen anytime in the near future.


1 comment:

  1. You have a good argument, and you supported it well. However, what about old people who don't know how to use the internet and the only way they get entertainment is through television? The world is changing drastically. Maybe one day there wouldn't exist such thing as a t.v and the invention that takes over our lives completely is internet.
