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Sunday 6 November 2011

This post is good. You should consider reading it. (I want viewers, not taking the chance here buddy) - Day 5

142. Don’t write about reverse psychology. (U of Chicago)

                Cats are pretty magnificent beast. Even though felines, the scientific name given for cat like creatures, can sleep for up to 12-14 hours a day, they are capable of several … I refuse for fall for this trap, reverse psychology works on me only when I have my guard down. There are only some reverse psychological methods that can work on me. One of them being this gif animation of a dance. I recommend you don't open it, it's pretty trippy, messes with your mind in just so many way. If you still feel like opening it, feel free to. I could have sworn that it actually turned in the other direction. Possible one of the only ones I’ve actually fallen for so far. Reverse psychology is commonly used by parents trying to keep their children from all sort of danger. But at times, unknowingly, reverse psychology gets used against them. How many times has this happened that your mom said not to do something, and in the end, you couldn’t hold yourself any longer and just get tempted to do it. Often parents use in the opposite way too, and since it’s only in a child’s nature to try to be “rebellious” and go against their parents, they do the opposite of what told to do. I find the idea of “reverse psychology” and interesting topic. I assume you noticed that by now. Especially since I decided to write about it even after I was clearly ordered not to.


  1. I really like the opening, although I have no idea what the gif image is, since I refused to click on it. But you probably don't actually want anyone to click, right?

  2. Yeah, that's exactly what i stated. Thanks for taking my advice, i appreciate it.
