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Wednesday 4 January 2012

-This title is censored- January Week 1 (C.E)

180: If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

If I had the choice to ban anything I wanted, I would definitely choose to ban the two bills announced less than a week ago in the United States. Yes, I would choose to ban a proposed law, no matter how ironic that may sound. The idea with these bills is to censor a lot of websites on the internet. As their names, “Stop online piracy act” and the “Protect IP Act” give a basic sense of their goal, it is still a huge step to take. Even though I believe it isn’t possible that such a bill will be passed, I’m still afraid of the low possibility. If this bill were to get passed, several websites that were accused for piracy can instantly shut down. A couple unimportant sites like Megaupload went down yesterday. This shows that the government is trying hard and has a chance of succeeding when it comes to this matter. If this goes on, it won’t be long until sites such as Wikipedia or facebook shut down. As a teacher (if that’s who you are), you may say that it’s for the better of the students. If Sopa were to be passed as a law, it’s not just these sites that will shut down. In a way, I don’t blame the government, after all it’s just another way the media is trying to fight piracy. But the fact that they’re trying to shut down social networking or informational websites bothers me. As we have discussed this in class before as well, I still believe there is no way to stop piracy. I admit it is a crime, but in an attempt to stop it, the government’s going to mess up the entire internet. 


  1. I like the idea of banning those two bills; however, you fail to convince your audience why you want to ban it.
    Most of your post explains the current situation, what those two bills are, and why the government came up with those two bills.
    You didn't really explain WHY you want to ban it. The only reason you gave is that "the government is going to mess up the entire internet".
    You should put the emphasis on how banning it will benefit the world, etc.
    You seem to talk about PIRACY, which is irrelevant to this topic.

  2. I agree that if the government bans these websites, then internet will be messed up.
    Piracy is bad but I guess that is the government suddenly stops it the entire lifestyle of most humans will be affected.
    You however should write more about how this will affect you.
