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Tuesday 24 January 2012

Procrastination is the definition of my life -- January week 2 (C.E)

Just a quick note, do not comment about the title, i wasn't being literal about it.

232. Ten things you do when you procrastinate.

Rather than simply stating the things I would do, I also chose to add the times I would procrastinate. For example, I’m only on my second sentence, but I’ve left the computer thrice (who even uses that word these days?) till now. Once to drink water, once to get some food (by food I mean absolutely unhealthy junk food since I’m on break), and once just got up and decided to visit my little pet dog. I just felt that she really needed attention at this very moment. Starting from 10, as you’ve already noticed, I tend to take short breaks and find little reasons like: “I need water”, or “I’m hungry.”  9: Interestingly enough, I only found out about this recently. I attempted to do a blog post last week, and then my mom came to my room and asked me if I wanted to accompany her as she went to the supermarket to get some groceries. Normally, I find this a waste of time and refuse to go, but this time I said yes. Unknowingly, my mind was procrastinating when it came to write up another blog post. Next on the list would be watching a movie, or even better, a TV show. I like to convince myself that “House M.D” is educational and one day I can become a doctor just by watching it. This helps me forget about homework, for a while at least. Moving on to 7: “Homework time? Oh why not listen to music while working on homework. Hmm I really like this song, why not look for other good ones on youtube. Woah, that’s a good song by them, I should download it. Why not download the entire album?” That’s basically what I do if I start listening to music and have high speed internet mocking me on the side. Quite often when I sit down and choose to commence on work, I realize that I haven’t showered in two whole hours. Of course this can’t wait any longer. 4,3 and 2 are almost similar. I spend a lot of time on 9gag, a pretty funny website. Unlike facebook, 9gag is endless and you can be on there forever. Facebook, on the other hand, I go on facebook whilst doing homework simply to check for “notifications.” No need to say, I end up doing more than just checking the notifications. Another thing I do often is skype with friends from Woodstock. Yes, I spoke to them for an hour yesterday, but it is absolutely necessary that I do the same today, homework can wait. Last, and definitely what I do the most, games. With a laptop and an xbox, and no allotted gaming hours, I spend most of my day playing games, whether it’s online or just by myself. According to me, this list is a perfect explanation of what my days are like over break.


  1. Just by reading it I get how much you procrastinated while writing this post. :p I like the way you presented it.
    But I think if you divided this article into few paragraphs, it would help readers grasp your points more quickly. And be careful that you do not lead readers to wrong conclusion. To be honest, when I read your last sentence, I had to go back and reread the essay question.
    And by the way, you procrastinate way~ more than me :p so don't tell me that I am the worst procrastinator you've seen!

  2. Just by reading this article I realized situations in which my mind procrastinates without even me knowing. I like your article however, I feel that organizing the way you write will help you improve your writing.

  3. I really liked this post!! I like how you didn't just list 10 things obviously like most other people did. But I noticed that you have left out something oh so very important...... hehe :)

    I also think that this could be divided into smaller paragraphs because when you first look at it it seems overwhelming and confusing to read.

    But overall, I really liked this post since I can really sense your personality through it and I find the beginning very creative!

    1. Oh yes indeed. How could I forget tumblr :O
      Nah, Tumblr is time well spent :D

  4. You've written really well about the ways you procrastinate. It was nice to not just see a list of 10 things you procrastinate about. However, I can't disagree with the others about organizing it better into paragraphs.
    I loved the way you started off by showing how often one may procrastinate in their daily lives. Sometimes, without even realizing it.

  5. I know exactly how you feel, and to be honest that happened to me every single day of my break.
    That's the reason why I only ended up writing 1 post. I agree with the others too that your text is not perfectly structured. It seems to me that are not only ten things that I could list. Right now I am finally posting this post and thought a whole lot about procrastination.

  6. haha I know exactly how you feel. For instance, I read your blog two days ago and "planned" to comment on it ever since. However, I am commenting on it only now. I like the way you described how you spend your time while you procrastinate as it seems to be an original idea.
