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Thursday 19 January 2012

Inflatable toast is the best -- January week 2 (C.E)

190. How does advertising influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

                Advertisement is just another method brought up by the media to manipulate people. It has also turned out to be a successful way for companies to sell their products. After all, how can companies sell products that are completely unnecessary and unneeded by people? In other words, I feel this shows how people can be easily manipulated or influenced by the power of marketing. Ads campaigns are designed to be perfect, to reach the people, to get them to notice the product, and in the end convince them that they absolutely need it. In my opinion, this would be a perfect example and would help express my thoughts:

A $6.50 slice of toast made of vinyl, perfect replica of a $1 toast.

              I do not understand the point of such products. In current day situations, everyone is out to make a living with whatever they’ve got, but I don’t understand how people reach a point where this is something they ‘need’ to have. As a child, I would often want things that I wouldn’t use, but that was before I came to the point of realization that products such as these are absolutely useless. I understand buying products that may make your life easier as such, but what is the point of this “inflatable slice of toast?” The influence of advertisement is too high. They buy spots on the radio, magazines, newspapers, webpages, t.v., and many more that can be accounted for. These strong influenced commercials usually portray the unhealthy products as the cool, every teenager must-have product. The idea of marketing is supposed to be to inform people about products, not manipulate and convince them that they want this product. As an influence such as advertisements aren’t easy to avoid, people ending up falling for them easily.


  1. I agree with you completely! I often find myself falling for unnecessary advertisements as well, but I guess that how some people make money.

  2. A great example to add to what you wrote is the steady rise of fairness cream commercials in India. It's really a sick colonial mindset that's carried over to society today, and I personally think its tragic that companies should exploit something like that. Not to mention, it's been scientifically proven that those products physically thin your skin, enough to that when severe, a brush across the cheek can give you a rash, and a poke a bruise.
