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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Winterbreak! -- Week 2 (C.E)

240. Is it better to give or receive gifts?

           With Christmas only 2 weeks away, I believe it’s the perfect time to receive gifts. I always look forward to Christmas, but not only for the presents. The joy and anxiousness when it comes to opening a present is priceless. Being on the receiving end is delightful, but I believe it’s better to be the one giving. It always puts a smile on my face when I see my little brother or my cousin sister open the present that I personally hand-picked for them. It just makes me happy that they’re happy. The feeling you get when you realize that you’ve made someone’s day is beyond priceless. I’m not saying that being on the receiving end is bad, I just find it better (as the prompt asked) to be on the giving end. Quite often though, despite of our attempts to be giving, people may not appreciate your present as much as you may have expected them to do so. One reason for this is that we don’t always know what people want, even though you’re doing a favor of a sort toward them. Coming back to the Christmas topic, Christmas is the time to cherish this gift-sharing idea. Every Christmas, in my family at least, we buy everyone in our family a present; No one gets left out. This way it’s equal for all of us, and thus help us all share the value of both receiving and giving the gifts.


  1. Interesting, I would usually say that I would like to receive gifts more than giving, but I also agree to what you wrote, "the feeling you get when you realize that you've made someone's day is beyond priceless." I guess it does give me happiness within when I see my close friends, family or anyone happy.

  2. I like your ideas on the great feeling of making someone else's day, however, I do disagree with you about Christmas being "the time to cherish this gift-sharing idea." I agree that thats a part of it, but by part i mean about 10%. The truth behind Christmas is the birth of Christ (though he was born in July) and the celebration that he WAS born. Not trying to cause a fight here :)

    I love that your family gives EVERYONE a present, I think thats great. I've been around/in too many families/places that have the adults giving the kids things and receiving nothing. It's not that they particularly shout about why they didn't get anything, but I'm sure it still hurts somewhere. SO thumbs up.

    1. I suppose you have a point. I should have phrased that better. What i meant to say was that this particular day of celebration is perfect for gift-sharing. Sharing gift comes under the "Jesus Christ is born" package.
