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Thursday 17 November 2011

Velociraptor is always right. - Day 16

154. Anatole France said, "If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." On what subject do you disagree with most people, and why? (Northwestern)

                As I start this essay, I’d like to say I completely disagree with this statement. That’s like saying something is moral if majority of the population believes it is. It just doesn’t work that way. This prompt reminded me of another quote; it went a little something like this: “If one person has an imaginary friend, they’re crazy. If many people have the same imaginary friend, it’s called religion?” No matter how strong your beliefs in religion may be (and I have strong beliefs), it’s hard not to consider this topic.
                There is no scientific proof that God(s) exists, yet the majority of the world’s population believes that they do.  This belief doesn’t automatically cause the existence of a God, it’s just an idea shared among several people. Even though this idea may not be directly related to the quote by Anatole France, it still displays the use of a similar ideology. In a battle with logic and humanity versus false information that may cause this fact to be foolish, it’s the stupider side of the argument that is highly unlikely to be rational. Stupidity in a large number is simply mass stupidity. Just because a group of people and their beliefs win over the majority, that doesn’t make their point any more valid than it is. Even though I may be conveying all of this simply through my opinion, none the less, my beliefs on this topic will be consistent.

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